About Invermere

Charming mountain community of about 3500 residents

Invermere, British Columbia is a charming mountain community of about 3500 residents, providing services for the tens of thousands of visitors who flock to the area every year. The downtown district has fine resaurants, boutiques and a great variety of shops for all your needs. The large visitor base has enabled Invermere to provide a wide range of businesses and services for the public. The town has developed a thriving arts community as well, with everything from painting to sculpture to glass blowing. Local national and international artists are showcased at various galleries throughout the year. A must see is a stop at the Pynelogs Cultural Centre, home to the Columbia Valley Arts Council, a gift shop, cafe and public art gallery. There are two public beaches in Invermere. Kinsman beach is south of downtown and James Chabot Provincial Park lies at the north end of the Lake as you come in to Invermere. There is also a marina and boat launch at the north end. Invermere is centrally located in the Columbia Valley and is the heart of the Valley. It is your stepping off point for most recreational activities and the place to stock up on supplies.